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2021 (133)
2020 (142)
Ribeiro V. P., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L., "Advanced silk-based biotextiles for bone regeneration applications", Advances in Material Research and Technology, Eds. Ikhmayies S. J., Springer Publisher, vol. Advanced Fibers, 2020.
Caballero D., Luque-Gonzalez M. A., Reis R. L., and Kundu S. C., "Microfluidic systems in cancer research", Biomaterials for 3D tumor modeling, Eds. Kundu S. C., and Reis R. L., Elsevier, 1, vol. 1, pp. 331-377, 2020.
Caballero D., Reis R. L., and Kundu S. C., "Trends in biomaterials for three dimensional cancer modeling", Biomaterials for 3D tumor modeling, Eds. Kundu S. C., and Reis R. L., Elsevier, 1, vol. 1, pp. 3-41, 2020.
Carvalho C. R., Reis R. L., and Oliveira J. M., "Fundamentals and current strategies for Peripheral Nerve Repair and Regeneration", Bioinspired Biomaterials. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Eds. Chun H. J., Reis R. L., Motta A., and Khang G., Springer, Singapore, vol. 1249, pp. 173-201, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-3258-0_12, 2020.
Silva S. S., Rodrigues, L.C., Fernandes E. M., and Reis R. L., "Biopolymer membranes in tissue engineering", Biopolymer Membranes and Films: Health, Food, Environment, and Energy Applications, Eds. de Moraes M. A., da Silva C. F., and Vieira R. S., Elsevier, pp. 141-163, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-818134-8.00006-7, 2020.

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