An overview of the antimicrobial properties of lignocellulosic materials

last updated: 2021-06-29
ProjectDIVINO :: publications list
TitleAn overview of the antimicrobial properties of lignocellulosic materials
Publication TypeReview Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLobo F. C. M., Franco A. R., Fernandes E. M., and Reis R. L.
Abstract Text

Pathogenic microbes are a major source of health and environmental problems, mostly due to their easy proliferation on most surfaces. Currently, new classes of antimicrobial agents are under development to prevent microbial adhesion and biofilm formation. However, they are mostly from synthetic origin and present several disadvantages. The use of natural biopolymers such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, derived from lignocellulosic materials as antimicrobial agents has a promising potential. Lignocellulosic materials are one of the most abundant natural materials from renewable sources, and they present attractive characteristics, such as low density and biodegradability, are low-cost, high availability, and environmentally friendly. This review aims to provide new insights into the current usage and potential of lignocellulosic materials (biopolymer and fibers) as antimicrobial materials, highlighting their future application as a novel drug-free antimicrobial polymer.

Date Published2021-03-20
KeywordsBacteria, Fungi, Lignocellulosic materials, natural fibers
Peer reviewedyes

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