Conference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed (65)
Costa M., Cerqueira M. T., Rodrigues D. B., Santos T. C., Marques A. P., Pirraco R. P., and Reis R. L.,
"Stromal Vascular Fraction Cell Sheets Angiogenic Potential for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 21, issue S1, doi:
10.1089/ten.tea.2015.5000.abstracts., 2015.
Costa M., Cerqueira M. T., Rodrigues D. B., Santos T. C., Marques A. P., Pirraco R. P., and Reis R. L.,
"Stromal Vascular Fraction from Adipose Tissue and Cell Sheet Engineering to build Vascularization Units for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine",
Tissue Engineering Part A, doi:
10.1089/ten.tea.2014.5000.abstracts., 2014.
Santos T. C., Rodrigues D. B., Cerqueira M. T., Pirraco R. P., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L.,
"Xenogeneic M2-polarization of Macrophages by Undifferentiated and Differentiated Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 20, issue S1, pp. S113-S114, doi:
10.1089/ten.tea.2014.5000.abstracts, 2014.
Prata F. P., Cerqueira M. T., Moreira-Silva J., Pirraco R. P., Reis R. L., and Marques A. P.,
"Cryopreservation of Cell Sheets of Adipose Stem Cells: Limitations and Successes",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 20, pp. S117-S117, doi:
10.1089/ten.tea.2014.5000.abstracts, 2014.
Oliveira S. M., Pirraco R. P., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Mano J. F.,
"Layer-by-layer assembled nanocoatings of human platelet's lysate and marine-origin polysaccharides trigger pro-angiogenic behaviour",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 8, issue S1, pp. 226, doi:
10.1002/term.1932, 2014.
Correia C. R., Pirraco R. P., Cerqueira M. T., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Mano J. F.,
"Paracrine signalling between adipose tissue stem and microvascular endothelial cells within multilayered capsules trigger osteoblastogenesis.",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 8, issue s1, pp. 39-206, doi:
10.1002/term.1931, 2014.
Frias A. M., Correia C., Moreira E. S., Marques M., Marques A. P., Sousa R. A., and Reis R. L.,
"Xeno-free cGMP isolation and cryopreservation of clinical grade stromal vascular fraction",
J Tissue Eng Regen Med, vol. 8, issue S1, pp. 186, doi:
10.1002/term.1931, 2014.
Zonari A., de Paula A. C., Martins T. M., Boleoni J. N., Novikoff S., Marques A. P., Correlo V. M., Reis R. L., and Goes A. M.,
"Scarring impairment by polyhydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate bilayer structures-laden adipose stem cells",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 8, pp. 340, doi:
10.1002/term.1932, 2014.
Moreira-Silva J., Silva T. H., Prata M. B., Cerqueira M. T., Pirraco R. P., Giovine M., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L.,
"Potential of marine sponge collagen coatings for skin regeneration strategies",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 7, issue s1, pp. 33, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Santos T. C., Rodrigues D. B., Cerqueira M. T., Silva A. C., Rodrigues A. I., Leonor I. B., Marques A. P., Castro A. G., and Reis R. L.,
"Tissue engineered constructs based on human adipose tissue derived stem cells and starch-based scaffolds for allogeneic approaches in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, doi:
10.1002/term.2013.7.issue-s1, 2013.
Custódio C. A., Cerqueira M. T., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Mano J. F.,
"Functional cell microcarriers- a new platform for cell separation and expansion",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 7, issue S1, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Canadas R. F., Marques A. P., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM), -, vol. 7 (Supp. 1), issue -, pp. 15, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Silva S. S., Popa E. G., Gomes M. E., Cerqueira M. T., Marques A. P., Caridade S. G., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L.,
"Combination of aloe vera improves the biological performance of chitosan membranes for skin tissue repair",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 7, issue s1, pp. 32, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Pirraco R. P., Carvalho F., Reis R. L., and Marques A. P.,
"Dextran sulphate and ficcol fail as macromolecular crowders to enhance extracellular matrix deposition",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 7, issue s1, pp. 6-52, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Berti F. V., Marques A. P., Correlo V. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Semiconductor gellan gum based composite hydrogels for tissue engineering applications",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 20, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Ribeiro V. P., Ribeiro A. S., Silva C. J., Durães N. F., Bonifácio G., Marques A. P., Sousa R. A., Oliveira A. L., and Reis R. L.,
"Silk-based 3D Biotextiles Support Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells Towards Osteogenic Differentiation",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 6-52, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Ribeiro V. R., Ribeiro A. S., Silva C. J., Durães N. F., Bonifácio G., Marques A. P., Sousa R. A., Oliveira A. L., and Reis R. L.,
"Silk-based 3D Biotextiles Support Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells Towards Osteogenic Differentiation",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 6-52, doi:
10.1002/term.1822, 2013.
Manda-Guiba G. M., Oliveira M. B., Mano J. F., Marques A. P., Oliveira J. M., Correlo V. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Gellan gum – hydroxyapatite composite hydrogels for bone tissue engineering",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, issue Suppl.2, pp. 15, 2012.
Canadas R. F., Pereira D. R., Silva-Correia J., Marques A. P., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Novel bilayered Gellan gum/Gellan gum hydroxyapatite scaffolds for osteochondral tissue engineering applications",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, issue Suppl.2, pp. 16, 2012.
Moreira-Silva J., Afonso D., Silva T. H., Volpato F., Motta A., Marques A. P., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Migliaresi C.,
"Fish scales patterning guiding hASC growth",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine , doi:
10.1002/term.1608, 2012.
Ribeiro V. P., Martins A. R., Marques A. P., Bonifácio G., Oliveira A. L., Sousa R. A., and Reis R. L.,
"Suitability of silk-based 3D biotextiles seeded with human adipose-derived stem cells for a bone tissue engineering approach",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 34-34, doi:
10.1002/term.1608, 2012.
Zonari A., Cerqueira M. T., Novikoff S., Goes A. M., Marques A. P., Correlo V. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Evaluation oh the potential of Polyhydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate bi-layered scaffolds for skin tissue engineering",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, issue Sup. 1, pp. 97-97, doi:
0.1002/term.1586, 2012.
Mendes L. F., Pirraco R. P., Szymczyk W., Santos T. C., Frias A. M., Reis R. L., and Marques A. P.,
"Pericytes contribute to the stability of the vascular network of osteogenic tissue formed from cell sheet-based constructs",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine , vol. 6, issue Suppl.1, pp. 311-311, doi:
10.1002/term.1586, 2012.
Silva B. L., Cerqueira S. R., Fevereiro J. P., Pirraco R. P., Marques A. P., Oliveira J. M., Reis R. L., Sousa N., and Salgado A. J.,
"Hyaluronic acid/poly(amidoamine) dendrimer nanoparticles for central nervous system applications: In vitro and in vivo studies",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, issue Suppl.1, pp. 361-361, doi:
10.1002/term.1586, 2012.
Duarte A. R. C., Moreira-Silva J., Silva T. H., Osinga R., Ilan M., Marques A. P., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L.,
"Marine sponges as natural scaffolds: decellularization by supercritical fluid technology and cellularization with osteoblasts for tissue engineering applications",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, S, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 171-172, doi:
10.1002/term.1586, 2012.
da Silva L. P., Cerqueira M. T., Oliveira J. M., Sousa R. A., Marques A. P., Correlo V. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Novel Gellan Gum – Hyaluronan hydrogel formulations for tissue engineering applications",
Journal of Artificial Organs, vol. 35, issue 9, pp. A49–A141, 2012.
Silva S. S., Duarte A. R. C., Santos T. C., Cerqueira M. T., Marques A. P., Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L.,
"Integrated strategy using ionic liquids for the design and processability of natural polymeric architectures for regenerative medicine",
Histology and Histopathology, vol. 26, issue S1, pp. 272, 2011.
Szymczyk W., Araujo J. V., Martins A., Correlo V. M., Neves N. M., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L.,
"2D Bi-layer Scaffolds of Polycaprolactone and Chitosan β-glycerol Based Film for Blood Vessel Constructs",
Int J Artif Organs, vol. 34, issue 8, pp. 679, 2011.
Popa E. G., Carvalho P. P., Dias A. F., Santo V. E., Frias A. M., Marques A. P., Dias I. R., Viegas C. A. A., Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L.,
"In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility evaluation of k-carrageenan hydrogels aimed at applications in regenerative medicine",
HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY Cellular and Molecular Biology, vol. 26, issue supplement1, pp. 62, 2011.
Oliveira J. M., Salgado A. J., Pirraco R. P., Pereira V. H., Fraga J. S., Marques A. P., Neves N. M., Mano J. F., Sousa N., and Reis R. L.,
"In Vitro Characterization on the Interactions Between Carboxymethyl-chitosan/Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Nanoparticles and Neurons/Glial Cells",
Tissue Engineering: Part A, vol. 14, pp. 744, 2010.
Szymczyk W., Araujo J. V., Martins A., Pinho E. D., Neves N. M., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L.,
"Co-culture of endothelial and smooth muscle cells for the development of blood vessel constructs",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 824-825, 2010.
Martins A., Pinho E. D., Malafaya P. B., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Neves N. M.,
"Micro-nano composite mesh scaffold in mouse MPC osteogenic differentiation",
TISSUE ENGINEERING , vol. 13, pp. 1727, 2010.
Martins A., Chung S., Pedro A. J., Sousa R. A., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Neves N. M.,
"Novel micro-nanofibrous multilayer scaffold for bone tissue engineering applications",
TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 763-764, 2010.
Solla E. L., Lopéz-Álvarez M., González P., Serra J., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and León B.,
"Silicon-hydroxyapatite bioactive coatings (Si-HA) from diatomaceous earth and SiO2. Study of adhesion and proliferation of osteoblast-like cells",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 775-775, 2010.
Coutinho D. F., Pashkuleva I., Alves C. M., Marques A. P., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L.,
"The presence of chitosan at the surface influences the interaction of biomolecules and cells with chitosan-poly (bultylene succinate) blend",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 918-918, 2008.
Oliveira J. T., Picciochi R., Santos T. C., Martins L., Pinto L. G., Malafaya P. B., Sousa R. A., Marques A. P., Castro A. G., Mano J. F., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Injectable gellan gum hydrogels as supports for cartilage tissue engineering applications",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 748-748., 2008.
Conference Paper -ISI Web of Science Indexed (1)
Pereira D. R., Canadas R. F., Silva-Correia J., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Oliveira J. M.,
"Gellan gum-based Hydrogel Bilayered Scaffolds for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering",
Key Engineering Materials, vol. 587, pp. 255-260, doi:
10.4028/, 2014.
Comunications - Poster (141)
Canadas R. F., da Silva Morais A., Patrício P., Gasperini L., Vilela C. A., Costa J. B., Araújo N. A. M., Reis R. L., Marques A. P., and Oliveira J. M.,
"Convection as a driving mechanism for gradients formation in interfaced gels for 3-D tissue interfaces",
Chem2Nature Summer School 2018, 2018.
Freitas-Ribeiro S., Carvalho A. F., Costa M., Cerqueira M. T., Marques A. P., Pirraco R. P., and Reis R. L.,
"Hypothermic preservation of confluent Human Adipose Stem Cells",
TERMIS-EU 2017, vol. 33, issue Supl2, pp. P741, 2017.
Carvalho A. F., Gasperini L., Ribeiro R. S., Bishi D. K., Carvalho A. M., Oliveira S. M., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L.,
"Screening of 3D Cell-Biomaterials Interactions: a Microfluidics Approach,",
Chem2Nature First School, 2016.
Carvalho A. F., Gasperini L., Ribeiro R. S., Bishi D. K., Carvalho A. M., Oliveira S. M., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L.,
"A Microfluidic-Based Platform for the Screening of 3D Cell-Biomaterials Interactions",
The Term Stem Conference, 2016.
Araújo A. R., Pereira D. M., Aroso I. M., Santos T., Batista M. T., Cerqueira M. T., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Pires R. A.,
"Cork extracts as bioactive compounds against UV-mediated DNA fragmentation ",
Gen2Skin and Term Stem Conference, 2016.