Diabetic hind-limb ischemic mouse model usefulness to predict the angiogenic potential of biomaterials.

last updated: 2018-01-10
TitleDiabetic hind-limb ischemic mouse model usefulness to predict the angiogenic potential of biomaterials.
Publication TypeComunications - Poster
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSantos T. C., Pirraco R. P., Rodrigues D. B., da Silva L. P., Correlo V. M., Reis R. L., and Marques A. P.

Diabetic hind-limb ischemic mouse model usefulness to predict the angiogenic potential of biomaterials.

Conference NameTERM STEM 2016
Date Published2016-10-27
Conference LocationGuimarães, Portugal
Keywordsdiabetic hind-limb ischemic mouse model, hyaluronic, spongy-like hydrogels
Peer reviewedno

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