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Papers in Scientific Journals (32)
Review Paper (1)
Book Chapter (16)
Pereira D. M., "Naturally-derived molecules as a strategy for countering E. faecalis infection", Enterococcus faecalis: Molecular Characteristics, Role in Nosocomial Infections and Antibacterial Effects, Eds. Mack H. L., Nova Science Publishers, 2014.
Fernandes J. C., and Pereira D. M., "Application of antioxidant plants as anti-hemolytic agents", Medicinal Plants: Antioxidant Properties, Traditional Uses and Conservation Strategies, Eds. Pereira D. M., Nova Science Publishers, 2014.
Pereira D. M., Valentão P., and Andrade P., "Lessons from the Sea: Distribution, SAR and Molecular Mechanisms of Anti-inflammatory Drugs from Marine Organisms", Studies in Natural Products Chemistry (Bioactive Natural Products), Eds. Atta-ur-Rahman A., Elsevier Science Publishers, vol. 40, 2013.
Pereira D. M., Correia-da-Silva G., Valentão P., Teixeira N., and Andrade P. B., "Marine Metabolomics in Cancer Chemotherapy", OMICS: Biomedical Perspectives and applications, Eds. Barh D., CRC Press, pp. 379-400, 2012.
Pereira D. M., Valentão P., Ferreres F., Sottomayor M., and Andrade P. B., "Rediscovering Catharanthus roseus: chemistry and biological activity", Green chemistry: Principles, trends and applications, Eds. Luque R., Nova Science Publishers, pp. 261-279, 2012.
Pereira D. M., Valentão P., Ferreres F., and Andrade P. B., "Metabolomic analysis of natural products", Reviews in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Eds. Tzanavaras P., Bentham , pp. 1-19, 2009.
Andrade P. B., Pereira D. M., Guerra L., and Valentão P., "Red wine phenolics: reasons for their variation", Red Wine and Health Research, Eds. Columbus F., Nova Science Publishers, pp. 53-90, 2008.
Andrade P. B., Pereira D. M., and Valentão P., "Phenolic compounds: analysis by HPLC", Encyclopedia of Chromatography, Eds. Cazes J., Taylor & Francis, pp. 1768-1776, 2008.
Andrade P. B., Pereira D. M., and Valentão P., "Phenolic compounds: analysis by HPLC", Encyclopedia of Chromatography, Eds. Cazes J., Taylor & Francis, pp. 1768-1776, 2008.
Comunications - Poster (1)

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