Export 499 results:
Canadas R. F., Marques A. P., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L., "Novel Osteochondral 3D Model as an In Vitro Technological Platform for In Vitro Screening", he European Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS-EU 2013), 2015.
Costa M., Pirraco R. P., Cerqueira M. T., Reis R. L., and Marques A. P., "Growth Factor-Free Pre-vascularization of Cell Sheets for Tissue Engineering.", Stem Cell Heterogeneity: Methods and Protocols, Eds. Turksen K., Springer New York, vol. 1516, pp. 219 - 226, doi:10.1007/7651_2016_362, 2016.
Pina S., Canadas R. F., Marques A. P., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L., "Hierarchical Ionic-Doped Scaffolds for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering", TERMIS EU: European Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society, 2016.
Canadas R. F., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Oliveira J. M., "Osteochondral Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Strategies", Regenerative Strategies for the Treatment of Knee Joint Disabilities, Eds. Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L., Springer International Publishing, 1, vol. 21, pp. 213-233, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44785-8_11, 2016.
Santos T. C., Reis R. L., and Marques A. P., "Can host reaction animal models be used to predict and modulate skin regeneration?", Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 11, issue 8, pp. 2295-2303, doi:10.1002/term.2128, 2017.

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