Rotational Dual-Chamber Bioreactor designed for Tissue Engineered Interfaces

last updated: 2020-01-31
ProjectOsteoCart :: publications list
TitleRotational Dual-Chamber Bioreactor designed for Tissue Engineered Interfaces
Publication TypeComunications - Poster
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsCanadas R. F., Marques A. P., Reis R. L., and Oliveira J. M.

The use of in vitro platforms presents obvious ethical and cost advantages over in vivo models. Moreover, important scientific benefits in the study of biological mechanisms of action focusing on isolated variables/effects can be obtained. Different 2D and 3D cell culturing systems, static and dynamic (e.g., bioreactors) have been proposed, along the years [1]. However, the lack of suitable physical structures capable of supporting the generation of multilayered tissues has been hampering the tissue engineering (TE) field developing improved models [2]. The existing cell culture technology is not adapted to this need, but new systems are now arising, as adapted bioreactors and 3D well culture plates [1]. With the development of TE tools and cell culture systems, interfaces could be recreated in a more realistic way. In this work a novel bioreactor adapted for multi-layered cell culture was developed [3]. The system can provide a mechanism to enhance cellular homogenization and stratification inside of the 3D construct. So far, the developed system is being tested to create an osteochondral (OC) 3D in vitro model.

Conference NameESB 2015
Date Published2015-09-03
Conference LocationKrakow, Poland
Keywordsbioreactor, dual-chamber, Osteochondral
Peer reviewedyes

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