Export 67 results:
Papers in Scientific Journals (44)
Review Paper (2)
Book Chapter (1)
Novoa-Carballal R., Riguera R., and Fernandez-Megia E., "Chitosan Copolymers for Biopharmaceuticals", Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals: Delivery, Targeting and Polymer Therapeutics, Wiley, doi:10.1002/978111996297, 2012.
Conference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed (3)
Comunications - Poster (8)
Comunication - Oral (8)
Carvalho A. M., Teixeira R., Novoa-Carballal R., Reis R. L., and Pashkuleva I., "Glycosaminoglycans Micelles for Targeting Drug Delivery", ESB2017 - Translational activities for exploiting research on Biomaterials, 2017.
Carvalho A. M., Teixeira R., Novoa-Carballal R., Pires R. A., Reis R. L., and Pashkuleva I., "Redox-sensitive self-assembled glycosaminoglycans nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery", Chem2Nature Second School: Chemical Modification of Biomaterials and 'Living' Surfaces with Biopolymers Derivatives, 2017.
Patent (1)

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