Phenolic compounds: analysis by HPLC

last updated: 2014-05-26
TitlePhenolic compounds: analysis by HPLC
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsAndrade P. B., Pereira D. M., and Valentão P.
EditorsCazes J.
Abstract Text

In this entry, the main parameters related to phenolics chemistry and analysis by chromatography are
discussed. The most used extractive techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) and matrix solid-phase
dispersion (MSPD), will be referred and compared. In addition, the most relevant analytical approaches,
including high-performance liquid chromatography–diode-array detector (HPLC–DAD), LC–mass spectrometry
(LC–MS), and LC–nuclear magnetic resonance (LC–NMR), will be presented, focusing on the
advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Book TitleEncyclopedia of Chromatography
PublisherTaylor & Francis
KeywordsHPLC, phenolics
Peer reviewedyes

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