Export 42 results:
Papers in Scientific Journals (13)
Review Paper (1)
Book Chapter (2)
Martins A. M., Alves C. M., Reis R. L., Mikos A. G., and Kasper F. K., "Toward Osteogenic Differentiation of Marrow Stromal Cells and In Vitro Production of Mineralized Extracellular Matrix onto Natural Scaffolds", Biological Interactions on Materials Surfaces: Understanding and Controlling Protein, Cell, and Tiss, Springer, New York, pp. 263-281, 2009.
Conference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed (1)
Comunications - Poster (15)
Comunication - Oral (10)
Martins A. M., Ferreira V., Queirós A., Aroso I. M., Ramos J. A., and Silva A. F., "Chemistry at gold Single Crystal Surfaces", New Trends in Molecular Electrochemistry. XII Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, 2003.

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