Export 33 results:
Papers in Scientific Journals (12)
Review Paper (2)
Book Chapter (1)
Casanova M. R., Reis R. L., Martins A., and Neves N. M., "The Use of Electrospinning Technique on Osteochondral Tissue Engineering", Osteochondral Tissue Engineering - Nanotechnology, Scaffolding-Related Developments and Translation, Eds. Oliveira J. M., Pina S., Roman J. S., and Reis R. L., Springer International Publishing AG, vol. 1058, pp. 247 - 263, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-76711-6_11, 2018.
Conference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed (1)
Comunications - Poster (14)
Casanova M. R., Reis R. L., Martins A., and Neves N. M., "Personalized advanced therapies for skeletal tissue regeneration", Ciência 2018 - Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, 2018.
Comunication - Oral (3)

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