Prof. Rui L. Reis receives the Clemson Award for Contributions to the literature in the Society for Biomaterials (USA) meeting in Denver. He was introduced by Prof. Buddy Ratner (UWashington, Seattle) one of his nominators and received the award from a representative of Clemson University and Prof. Nicholas Peppas (UTexas at Austin) the chair of this year's SFB Awards Committee.
This one of the most prestigious awards in the World in the field of biomaterials.
Ministério da Saúde atribui medalha de serviços distintos ao cientista da UMinho Rui L. Reis.
Rui Reis é Vice-Reitor para a Investigação da UMinho, sendo também o Director do grupo 3B´s, Presidente do Laboratório Associado ICVS/3B´e CEO do Instituto Europeu de Excelência em Engenharia de Tecidos e Medicina Regenerativa.
Portuguese Ministery of Health attributes medal for outstanding services to Rui L. Reis, researcher from UMinho.
Rui L. Reis Receives Important Scientific Award in the United States of America
Clemson Award, of the American Society for Biomaterials (SFB) distinguishes the unique Career of the Scientist from University of Minho and his important contributions to Scientific Literature
Researchers from 3B's Research Group, J. Miguel Oliveira and Joana Silva-Correia, lead by Prof. Rui L. Reis, were awarded by EuroSpine, the Spine Society of Europe
Post-Doc researcher from 3B’s Research Group, Dr. Yan Le-ping, receives distinction by Chinese Government.
On June 15th, 2013, in an official ceremony in the Chinese Embassy in Lisbon, the chinese government attributted the 2012 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad to Dr. Yan Le-Ping, Post-Doc researcher from 3B’s Research Group.
Manuela E. Gomes receives 2013 TERMIS-EU Young Scientist Award at the Annual Meeting of TERMIS-EU in Istambul, June 2013
Rui L. Reis, cientista da UMinho, recebe Advanced Grant do European Research Council (ERC), uma das maiores e mais prestigiadas bolsas de sempre atribuídos a um investigador Português, no valor total de 2.35 milhões de euros
Prémio Basic Science Travel Grant no 15º Congresso da Sociedade Europeia de Traumatologia Desportiva (ESSKA)