Innovation, Best PhD Thesis, Outstanding Student/Young Investigator,...

Câmara de Guimarães atribui medalha de ouro ao Prof. Rui L. Reis

last updated: 2012-11-07

Câmara de Guimarães atribui medalha de ouro ao Prof. Rui L. Reis, director do Grupo 3B's 
Centro Cultural de Vila Flor, Guimarães, sexta-feira, 24-06-2011


Rui L. Reis receives the George Winter Award from the ESB in Dublin

last updated: 2012-11-19

Prof. Rui L. Reis  awarded the main European Award in Biomaterials – the George Winter Award by the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB)

Grupo 3Bs vence Prémios Novo Norte 2010

last updated: 2014-01-30

Watch the ceremony video

3Bs Research Group wins Novo Norte 2010 Innovation Award together with the Best Practices in Northern Portugal Award for the Year 2010.

See video

Research Merit Award 2010 by the University of Minho attributed to Prof. Rui Reis

last updated: 2012-11-19

Prémio de Mérito à Investigação da UMinho 2010 atribuído ao professor Rui Reis
O Cientista que gosta da competição

O engenheiro que queria ser cientista é hoje o Director do Laboratório 3B’s, um centro de investigação científica de ponta a nível mundial, onde, através da pesquisa nos campos da engenharia de tecidos e das células estaminais, se tenta melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. E tudo isto a partir das Taipas. O professor Rui Reis, que adora a competição e que quer tornar o 3B’s no melhor instituto do Mundo, é o investigador do ano na Universidade do Minho.

Patricia Malafaya Baptista, 2008

last updated: 2012-11-07

In November 2008, on the scope of the Annual Congress of the Asia-Pacific Section of the International Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMIS-AP), that took place in Taipei, Taiwan, from 6 to 8 of November 2008, Patricia Malafaya Baptista, researcher from the 3B’s Research Group, received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” with the work entitled “Chitosan Particle Aggregated Architectures for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering: Development and Characterization of Polymeric and Bilayered Scaffold”.[img_assist|nid=129|title=|desc=|link

Anabela Alves Pinto, 2008

last updated: 2012-11-07

In October 2008, Anabela Alves Pinto, researcher from the 3B’s Research Group, obtained an important award attributted by the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3, United Kingdom) on the scope of the world competition for the Best Oral Presentation organized by the Institute, addressed to young investigators.

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