Export 596 results:
Baran E. T., Pirraco R. P., Lee H. H., Marques A. P., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Selective cell responses to nanopatterned PCL surfaces with various size and motifs", 4th European symposium on biopolymers on “Molecular basis, production and applications of biopolymers in biotechnology, biomedicine and nanobiomaterials, 2007.
Baran E. T., Pirraco R. P., Lee H. H., Marques A. P., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Osteoblast Cell Alignment on Nanopatterned PCL Surfaces", InVENTS – 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, 2007.
Neves N. M., "Applications of skeletal tissue bioreactors", Bioreactor Design for Skeletal Tissue Engineering , 2007.
Neves N. M., "Natural and Synthetic Polymers for Tissue Engineering", Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2007.
Neves N. M., "New Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering: How to mimic the extracellular matrix", Winter School of the European Society for Artificial Organs, 2007.
Neves N. M., "The Potential of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in the Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases", XV International Congress of the Portuguese Institute of Rheumatology, 2007.
Neves N. M., "Regenerative Medicine using Nanomaterials ", Nanomedicine: at the crossroads of converging sciences, 2007.
Neves N. M., "Scaffolds for Tisssue Engineering ", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Neves N. M., "Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering ", EMEA-Infarmed-Expertissues Workshop on the “European Guideline on Cell-Based Medicinal Products”, 2007.
Frias A. M., Fernandes S., Barros A., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Development of enhanced low serum culture strategies for human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells ", TERMIS-EU 2008 Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society Meeting, Porto, Portugal , 2008.
Alves A., Pinho E. D., Neves N. M., Sousa R. A., and Reis R. L., "Influence of different processing conditions on the properties of ulvan polymeric membranes", 5th Marie Curie Conference on "Synthesis and Applications of Self Assembling Materials at nano-scale", 2008.
Sousa R. A., Correlo V. M., Chung S., Neves N. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Processing of starch-based blends for biomedical applications", Handbook of Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical Applications, Eds. Reis R. L., Neves N. M., Mano J. F., Gomes M. E., Marques A. P., and Helena A. S., Reis RL, Cambridge, pp. 85-105, 2008.
Martins A., Cunha J., Macedo F., Reis R. L., and Neves N. M., "Improvement of polycaprolactone nanofibers topographies: Testing the influence in osteoblastic proliferation", 2006 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2006 Technical Proceedings, vol. 2, pp. 148-151, 2008.
Correlo V. M., Boesel L. F., Bhattacharya M., Mano J. F., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Properties of melt processed chitosan and aliphatic polyester blends", Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, vol. 403, issue 1-2, pp. 57-68, 2008.
Costa-Pinto A. R., Reis R. L., and Neves N. M., "Potential of human adult stem cells and natural-based biodegradable scaffolds for bone tissue engineering", 6th Marie Curie Cutting-Edge Conference, entitled “Stem cells: from the petri dish to the clinical application”, 2008.
Frias A. M., Lopes-Marques M., Fernandes S., Barros A., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Low-Serum Culture Strategies: Its effect on the stemness profile of Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells", 6th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference - Stem Cells: from the Petri dish to the clinical application, 2008.
Monteiro I. P., Cerqueira M. T., Frias A. M., Neves N. M., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L., "Differentiating amniotic fluid stem cells for skin Tissue Engineering. ", 6th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference - Stem Cells: from the Petri dish to the clinical application. InventScience 3008., 2008.
Neves N. M., "Biomaterial Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering ", 6th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2008.

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