Export 984 results:
da Silva R. M. P., Malafaya P. B., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Bioactive Membranes of Marine Origin for Guided Bone Regeneration", NATO/ASI on Learning from Nature How to Design New Implantable Biomaterials: From Biomineralization Fundamentals to Biomimetic Materials and Processing Routes, 2003.
Silva S. S., Carlos L. D., Rocha J., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "EVALUATION OF THE BIOMINERALIZATION ABILITY OF NOVEL CHITOSAN/SILICA HYBRIDS", NATO-ASI Course- Learning From Nature How to Design New Implantable Biomaterials: From Biomineralization Fundamentals to Biomimetic Materials and Processing Routes, 2003.
Baran E. T., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Starch-chitosan hydrogels prepared by reductive alkylation crosslinking", Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Medicine, vol. 15, pp. 759-765, 2004.
Baran E. T., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Starch-chitosan hydrogels prepared by reductive alkylation crosslinking", Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Medicine,, vol. 15, pp. 759-765, 2004.
Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Viscoelastic monitoring of starch-based biomaterials in simulated physiological conditions", Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, vol. 370, issue 1-2, pp. 321-325, 2004.
Dionísio M., Alves N. M., and Mano J. F., "Mobilidade Molecular em Polímeros", Química de Polímeros, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, pp. 157-190, 2004.
Neves N. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Biodegradable Composites for Biomedical Applications", Biodegradable Systems in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Eds. Reis R. L., and Roman J. S., CRC Press, doi:10.1201/9780203491232.ch7, 2005.
Mano J. F., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Mechanical characterization of biomaterials", Biodegradable Systems in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Eds. Reis R. L., and Roman J. S., CRC Press, doi:10.1201/9780203491232.ch9, 2005.
Baran E. T., Jayakumar R., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Enzymatic degradation behaviour of starch conjugated phoshorylated chitosan", Materiais 2005 XII Portuguese Materials Society Meeting III International, Materials Symposium, 2005.
Silva S. S., Ferreira R. A., Fu L., Carlos L. D., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Rocha J., "Functional nanostructured chitosan-siloxane hybrids", Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 15, issue 35-36, pp. 3952-3961, 2005.
Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Some trends on how one can learn from and mimic nature in order to design better biomaterials", Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, vol. 25, issue 2, pp. 93-95, 2005.

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