Export 15 results:
Papers in Scientific Journals (5)
Invited Lecture (1)
Comunications - Poster (6)
Ferreira D. S., Marques A. P., Azevedo H. S., and Reis R. L., "Self-assembled biomimetic matrices and primary human fibroblasts: a combined approach for skin tissue engineering", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Practical Training Course Tissue engineering, stem cells and biocompatibility testing of biomaterials, 2009.
Ferreira D. S., Azevedo H. S., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L., "Self-assembled Matrices for Skin Tissue Regeneration Strategies", Gordon Research Conference - Chemistry of Supramolecules & Assemblies, 2009.
Malpique R. M., Osório L., Ferreira D. S., Ehrhart F., Zimmermann H., and Alves P. M., "Cryopreservation of brain cell aggregates: strategies to improve cell viability and function after thawing", 21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology, "Cellular Solutions for Clinical Challenges", 2009.
Comunication - Oral (3)

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