Export 3731 results:
Rada T., Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L., "Fat tissue: A natural reserve of Stem cells. Isolation methods and osteogenic differentiation of Adipose Stem Cells (ASC). ", International Courses on Toxicology – Stem Cells as a Tool in Toxicology, Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology,, 2007.
Rada T., Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L., "RAT ADIPOSE DERIVED STEM CELL (ASC) ISOLATION METHODS: COMPARING DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES AND MARKERS TO ISOLATE RAT ASCS.", 2nd Annual International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (SPCE-TC) , 2007.
Oliveira J. M., Kotokuki N., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Ohgushi H., "Carboxymethyl-chitosan/Poly(amidoamine) Nanoparticles for being used as an intracellular DDS for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications: Investigation of the mechanism of internalization and intracellular fate", INVENTS: 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on “Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, and 1st TERMIS-EU Summer School: The European Chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine I, 2007.
Gomes M. E., Reis R. L., and Mikos A. G., "Injectable Polymeric Scaffolds for bone tissue engineering", Biodegradable Systems for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Eds. Reis R. L., and Roman J. S., CRC Press, Boca Raton , pp. 53-65, 2007.
Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L., "Tissue Engineering: Key Elements and Some Trends", Macromolecular Bioscience, vol. 4, pp. 737, 2007.
Oliveira A. L., Sampaio S. C., Sousa R. A., and Reis R. L., "Nature-Inspired Silk Fibroin/Hydroxyapatite Hybrid Bioactive Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, 2007.
Alves C. M., Reis R. L., and Hunt J. A., "Plasma Biomolecules Interaction with Natural-based Biomaterials", InVENTS – 3rd Marie Curie Cutting-edge Conference on Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, 2007.
Salgado A. J., Gomes M. E., Coutinho O. P., and Reis R. L., "Bone and Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering: The Biological Components", Biodegradable Systems in Medical Functions: Design, Processing, Testing and Applications, Eds. Reis R. L., and Roman J. S., CRC Press LLC, pp. 205-222, 2007.
Alves A., Grenha A., Pinho E. D., Mano J. F., Neves N. M., Sousa R. A., and Reis R. L., "Extraction, Preliminary Characterization and Potential Biomedical Applications of a Sulphated Polysaccharide From the Green Algae Ulva, the Common Sea Lettuce", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, 2007.
Tuzlakoglu K., and Reis R. L., "Formation of Ca-P Layer on Chitosan Fiber Mesh Scaffolds by a Biomimetic Process and Its Effect on Osteoblast Cell Morphology and Viability ", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, 2007.
Gomes S., Rodrigues M. T., Oliveira J. M., Gomes M. E., Leonor I. B., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Hydrothermal Conversion Of Corallina officinalis Algae Into Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds For Bone Tissue Engineering Strategies", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting-Edge Conference “Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies" , 2007.
Mendes A. C., Boesel L. F., and Reis R. L., "Effect of methacrylated starch in degradation properties of hydrophilic, partially degradable and bioactive cements (HDBCs)", 3rd Marie Cutie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on Biomineralization of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimedic methodologies, 2007.
Silva T. H., Neves N. M., Mano J. F., Sousa R. A., and Reis R. L., "Production of chitosan from squid pens and crustacean shells", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on “Biomineralization of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies”, 2007.
Oliveira J. M., Kotokuki N., Tadokoro M., Hirose M., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Ohgushi H., "Carboxymethyl-chitosan/Poly(amidoamine) Nanospheres Loaded With Dexamethasone induces the osteogenic differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells: In Vitro Study", INVENTS: 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on “4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Lopez-Perez P. M., da Silva R. M. P., Pashkuleva I., and Reis R. L., "Surface functionalization of chitosan membranes via phosphonic groups grafting: influence on Osteblast like-cells behaviour", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference. Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Bessa P. C., Gomes S., Leonor I. B., Klosch B., Redl H., Casal M., and Reis R. L., "Natural origin biomimetic scaffolds for the delivery of human bone morphogenetic protein-2 produced by recombinant technology", InVents 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference (Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials), 2007.
Oliveira J. T., and Reis R. L., "GELLAN GUM HYDROGELS AS SUPPORTS FOR CARTILAGE TISSUE ENGINEERING APPROACHES: IN VITRO AND IN VIVO EVALUATION ", School of Engineering Day at the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal, October 2007, Published, 2007.
da Silva R. M. P., Caridade S. G., Roman J. S., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Permeability of chitosan membranes to small anionic and neutral solutes: dependence on crosslinking and chelation of divalent ions", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference. Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Rada T., Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L., "Novel Adipose Stem Cells (ASC) Isolation Methods", TERMIS NA 2007 Conference and Exhibition on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine , 2007.
Rada T., Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L., "Novel methods for isolation of Adipose Stem Cells (ASCs) that allow to obtain different cells subpopulations", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Frias A. M., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Development of serum-free culture conditions and evaluation of its impact over the in vivo potential of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells ", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference "Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials" , 2007.
Santo V. E., Frias A. M., Gomes M. E., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Innovative carrageenan-based hydrogels for the delivery of PDGF in bone tissue engineering applications", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference. Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Leonor I. B., Kim H. - M., Kawashita M., Kokubo T., and Reis R. L., "How the Functional Groups and Surface Charge influence the Apatite Formation in Simulated Body Fluid? ", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, 2007.
Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L., "The use of Stem Cells and bioreactor strategies in Tissue engineering Approaches", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVents Conference on “ Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Tuzlakoglu K., and Reis R. L., "Chitosan-based scaffolds in orthopedic applications", Handbook of Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical Applications, Woodhead , Cambridge, 2007.
Tuzlakoglu K., Santos M. I., Sousa R. A., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L., "Design of nano- and micro-fiber combined scaffolds by electrospinning of collagen onto starch-based fiber meshes", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting-Edge Conference(Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies). 1st Summer School of TERMIS – EU, 2007.
Ferreira B. M., Grenha A., Pinho E. D., Neves N. M., Mano J. F., Sousa R. A., and Reis R. L., "Development of potential biomedical applications of carrageenan extracted from red seaweed", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge InVENTS Conference on “Biomineralization of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies", 2007.

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