Injectable Polymeric Scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

last updated: 2017-03-07
TitleInjectable Polymeric Scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsGomes M. E., Reis R. L., and Mikos A. G.
EditorsReis R. L., and Roman J. S.
Abstract Text

The ultimate goal of tissue engineering is to replace, repair, or enhance the biological function of
damaged, absent, or dysfunctional elements of a tissue or an organ. This goal may be accomplished
using different strategies that may use scaffolds, cells, and growth factors, alone or in combination,
to develop engineered tissues that can function as living biological substitutes for malfunctioning
or lost tissues. Many different strategies can be used to develop these engineered tissues.

Book TitleBiodegradable Systems for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
PublisherCRC Press
KeywordsPolymeric scaffolds, TE
Peer reviewedno

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