Papers in Scientific Journals (1)
Agibetov A., Jiménez-Ruiz E., Ondrésik, M., Solimando A., Banerjee A., Guerrini G., Catalano C. E., Oliveira J. M., Guiseppe P., Reis R. L., and Spagnuolo M.,
"Supporting shared hypothesis testing in the biomedical domain",
Journal of Biomedical Semantics , vol. 9, issue 9, pp. 1-22, doi:
10.1186/s13326-018-0177-x, 2018.
Review Paper (1)
Ondrésik, M., Maia F. R., da Silva Morais A., Gertrudes A., Bacelar A. H., Correia C., Gonçalves C., Radhouani H., Sousa, R.A., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Management of knee osteoarthritis. Current status and future trends.",
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 114, issue 4, pp. 717–739, doi:
10.1002/bit.26182, 2017.
Book Chapter (3)
Ondrésik, M., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Advances for Treatment of Knee OC Defects",
Osteochondral Tissue Engineering. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology,
Eds. Oliveira J. M., Pina S., SanRoman J., and Reis R. L.,
Springer, vol. 1059, pp. 3-24, doi:
10.1007/978-3-319-76735-2_1, 2018.
Ondrésik, M., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Knee articular cartilage",
Regenerative Strategies for the Treatment of Knee Joint Disabilities,
Eds. Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
Springer International Publishing, vol. 21, pp. 3-20, doi:
10.1007/978-3-319-44785-8_1, 2016.
Ondrésik, M., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
Regenerative Strategies for the Treatment of Knee Joint Disabilities,
Eds. Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
Springer International Publishing, vol. 21, pp. 55-72, doi:
10.1007/978-3-319-44785-8_4, 2016.
Conference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed (1)
Ondrésik, M., Correia C., Sousa, R.A., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Understanding cellular behaviour in early and late stage of MSD",
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 8, pp. 412-412, doi:
10.1002/term.1932, 2014.
Conference Paper -ISI Web of Science Indexed (1)
Millan Vaquero R. M., Agibetov A., Rzepecki J., Ondrésik, M., Vais A., Oliveira J. M., Patane G., Friese K. - I., Reis R. L., Spagnuolo M., and Wolter F. - E.,
"A semantically adaptable integrated visualization and natural exploration of multi-scale biomedical data",
Information Visualisation (iV), 2015 19th International Conference on, pp. 543-552, doi:
10.1109/iV.2015.96, 2015.
Comunication - Oral (1)
Ondrésik, M., Cengiz I. F., Pereira H., Espregueira-Mendes J., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L.,
"Nanoindentational technique for the evaluation of articular cartilage mechanical properties in osteoarthritic knee - What the MRI does not tell us",
CARS - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, MultiScaleHuman Workshop, 2015.