A semantically adaptable integrated visualization and natural exploration of multi-scale biomedical data

last updated: 2016-01-22
ProjectMultiScaleHuman :: publications list
TitleA semantically adaptable integrated visualization and natural exploration of multi-scale biomedical data
Publication TypeConference Paper -ISI Web of Science Indexed
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMillan Vaquero R. M., Agibetov A., Rzepecki J., Ondrésik, M., Vais A., Oliveira J. M., Patane G., Friese K. - I., Reis R. L., Spagnuolo M., and Wolter F. - E.

The exploration of biomedical data which involves heterogeneous sources coming from different spatial scales and medical domains is a challenging topic in current research. In this work, we combine efforts regarding multi-scale visualization, multimodal interaction and knowledge formalization for the exploration of multi-scale biomedical data. The knowledge formalization stores and organizes the information sources, the integrated visualization captures all relevant information for the domain expertise of the user and the multimodal interaction provides a natural exploration. We present a concrete example of use of the proposed exploratory system designed for a biologist investigating multi-scale pathologies.

Journal Information Visualisation (iV), 2015 19th International Conference on
Conference NameInformation Visualisation (iV), 2015 19th International Conference
Date Published2015-07-22
Keywordsknowledge formalization, Multi-scale biomedical exploration, natural exploration, ontology
Peer reviewedyes

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