Adhesive and biodegradable membranes made of sustainable catechol-functionalized marine collagen and chitosan

last updated: 2022-03-03
ProjectSeaJellyBone :: publications list
TitleAdhesive and biodegradable membranes made of sustainable catechol-functionalized marine collagen and chitosan
Publication TypePapers in Scientific Journals
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsCorreia C., Sousa R. O., Vale A. C., Peixoto D., Silva T. H., Reis R. L., Pashkuleva I., and Alves N. M.

We describe bioadhesive membranes developed from marine renewable biomaterials, namely chitosan and
collagen extracted from fish skins. Collagen was functionalized with catechol groups (Coll-Cat) to provide the
membranes with superior adhesive properties in a wet environment and blended with chitosan to improve the
mechanical properties. The blended membranes were compared to chitosan and chitosan blended with unmodified collagen in terms of surface morphology, wettability, weight loss, water uptake, mechanical and adhesive properties. The metabolic activity, the viability and the morphology of L929 fibroblastic cells seeded on these membranes were also assessed. Our results show that the functionalization with catechol groups improves the adhesive and mechanical properties of the membranes and enhances cell attachment and proliferation. These data suggest that the developed marine origin-raw membranes present a potential towards the restoration of the structural and functional properties of damaged soft tissues.

JournalColloids And Surfaces B-biointerfaces
Date Published2022-05-31
KeywordsBioadhesive, Catechol, Chitosan, Collagen, Soft Tissue Reapir
RightsembargoedAccess (1 Year)
Peer reviewedyes

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