Prof. Rui L. Reis awarded with the title of doctor honoris causa by the Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București, Romania.

last updated: 2021-11-25

Rui L. Reis, Director of 3B's Research Group - Institute of Research in Biomaterials, Biomimetics and Biodegradables (I3Bs) of University of Minho, was distinguished on the 15th of November 2018 with the title of doctor honoris causa by the Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București (UPB), Romania. The ceremony took place at the Senate Hall of UPB, with the presence of several relevant invitees, including the Rector of UMinho, Prof. Rui Vieira de Castro.

This is the second title of honoris causa received by Prof. Rui L. Reis, after having also received the title by the University of Granada, Spain in 2010.  

More details can be found in the Press Release attached to this news and also in the link to UPB website:




Press Release_Honoris Causa UPOLITECNICA Bucareste vs14112018.pdf136.95 KB
laudatio-Rui-dos-Reis.pdf5.24 MB

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