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2007 (95)
Neves N. M., "New Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering: How to mimic the extracellular matrix", Winter School of the European Society for Artificial Organs, 2007.
Neves N. M., "The Potential of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in the Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases", XV International Congress of the Portuguese Institute of Rheumatology, 2007.
Neves N. M., "Regenerative Medicine using Nanomaterials ", Nanomedicine: at the crossroads of converging sciences, 2007.
Neves N. M., "Scaffolds for Tisssue Engineering ", 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Neves N. M., "Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering ", EMEA-Infarmed-Expertissues Workshop on the “European Guideline on Cell-Based Medicinal Products”, 2007.
2008 (148)
Pashkuleva I., and Reis R. L., "Surfaces: Where cells feelings begin", 5th Marie Curie Cutting-Edge Conference on “Synthesis and applications of self-assembling materials at nano-scale” , 2008.
Azevedo H. S., Stupp S. I., and Reis R. L., "Peptide-based Biomaterials: How to Design Versatile Biomaterials by Self-assembling Approaches", 5th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on Synthesis and applications of self-assembling materials at nano-scale, 2008.
Azevedo H. S., Santos T. C., and Reis R. L., "Controlling the Degradation of Natural Polymers for Biomedical Applications", Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical Applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, pp. 106-128, 2008.
Pashkuleva I., Lopez-Perez P. M., and Reis R. L., "Surface modification for natural-based biomedical polymers ", Natural-based polymers for biomedical applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, pp. 163-192, 2008.
Sousa R. A., Correlo V. M., Chung S., Neves N. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Processing of starch-based blends for biomedical applications", Handbook of Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical Applications, Eds. Reis R. L., Neves N. M., Mano J. F., Gomes M. E., Marques A. P., and Helena A. S., Reis RL, Cambridge, pp. 85-105, 2008.
Marques A. P., Pirraco R. P., and Reis R. L., "Biocompatibility of Starch-Based Polymers", Handbook of Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical Applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, pp. 738-760, 2008.
Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Nanotechnology based stem cell therapies for regenerative medicine", 6th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference 'Stem Cells: from the Petri dish to the clinical application, 2008.
Martins A., Cunha J., Macedo F., Reis R. L., and Neves N. M., "Improvement of polycaprolactone nanofibers topographies: Testing the influence in osteoblastic proliferation", 2006 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2006 Technical Proceedings, vol. 2, pp. 148-151, 2008.
Santos T. C., Marques A. P., and Reis R. L., "In vivo tissue responses to natural-origin biomaterials", Natural-based polymers for biomedical applications, Woodhead Publishing in Materials, Cambridge, pp. 683-698, 2008.
Pereira C. M., Oliveira J. M., and Silva F., "Behaviour of micro-fabricated composite membrane as amperometric glucose biosensor", NATO SCIENCE SERIES, SERIES II: MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS AND COA, pp. 365-370, 2008.
Ghosh S., Viana J. C., Reis R. L., and Mano J. F., "Bi-layered constructs based on poly(L-lactic acid) and starch for tissue engineering of osteochondral defects", Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, vol. 28, issue 1, pp. 80-86, 2008.
Boesel L. F., Reis R. L., and Roman J. S., "Injectable hydrogels based on chitosan", Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 869-869, 2008.
Ghosh S., Viana J. C., Reis R. L., and Mano J. F., "Oriented morphology and enhanced mechanical properties of poly(L-lactic acid) from shear controlled orientation in injection molding", Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, vol. 490, issue 1-2, pp. 81-89, 2008.
Reis R. L., "Welcome to the TERMIS-EU 2008 Porto meeting", Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 693-694, 2008.

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