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Oliveira J. M., Miyazaki T., Lopes M. A., Ohtsuki C., and Santos J., "Development of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Similar to Human Bone Tissue", 7º European Conference on Biomaterials including the second Young Scientists Forum on Biomaterials, 2002.
Baran E. T., Pashkuleva I., Costa S. A., Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L., "Peptide synthesis on chitin and chitosan for bioactive biomaterial preparation", Society for Biomaterials 30th Annual Meeting and Exposition: New Applications and Technologies, 2005.
Oliveira J. M., Pirraco R. P., Marques A. P., Costa S. A., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Novel Carboxymethyl-chitosan/Poly(amidoamine) NanospheresTo Be Used as a Targeted-Drug Delivery Carrier: Assessment of its internalization using fluorescent probes", 2nd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference - Recent advances on polymeric based systems for controlled delivery of bioactive agents: Applications in Tissue Engineering, 2006.
Oliveira J. M., Kotokuki N., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Ohgushi H., "Carboxymethyl-chitosan/Poly(amidoamine) Nanoparticles for being used as an intracellular DDS for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications: Investigation of the mechanism of internalization and intracellular fate", INVENTS: 3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on “Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies, and 1st TERMIS-EU Summer School: The European Chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine I, 2007.
Gomes S., Rodrigues M. T., Oliveira J. M., Gomes M. E., Leonor I. B., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Hydrothermal Conversion Of Corallina officinalis Algae Into Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds For Bone Tissue Engineering Strategies", 3rd Marie Curie Cutting-Edge Conference “Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies" , 2007.
Oliveira J. M., Kotokuki N., Tadokoro M., Hirose M., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Ohgushi H., "Carboxymethyl-chitosan/Poly(amidoamine) Nanospheres Loaded With Dexamethasone induces the osteogenic differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells: In Vitro Study", INVENTS: 4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference on “4th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference Biocompatibility evaluation and biological behaviour of polymeric biomaterials, 2007.
Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Nanotechnology based stem cell therapies for regenerative medicine", 6th Marie Curie Cutting Edge Conference 'Stem Cells: from the Petri dish to the clinical application, 2008.
Pereira C. M., Oliveira J. M., and Silva F., "Behaviour of micro-fabricated composite membrane as amperometric glucose biosensor", NATO SCIENCE SERIES, SERIES II: MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS AND COA, pp. 365-370, 2008.
Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Dendrimers as intracellular nanotools for bone tissue engineering applications", InVents-3rd Marie Curie Cutting Edge Practical Training Course, "Fabrication and characterisation of tissue engineering scaffolds", 2009.
Oliveira J. M., Kotobuki N., Sousa R. A., Hirose M., Ohgushi H., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM)", Highlights Portuguese Science, Associate Laboratories´ Review, Gráfica Maiadouro, Porto, pp. 42-43, 2010.
Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Dendrimeric carriers in bone tissue engineering strategies", 2nd MIT Portugal Annual Conference - Creating Value Through Systems Thinking, held at Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, 2010.
Cerqueira S. R., Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., Sousa N., Salgado A. J., and Reis R. L., "Microglia specific dendrimer based drug delivery system", 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2010.
Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L., "Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering", XIII Jornadas de Engenharia Biológica, held at University of Minho, 2010.
Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., Ohgushi H., and Reis R. L., "Nanotechnology and Stem Cell-based Strategies for Regenerative Medicine Applications", Making Research Visible to the World, In Canon Foundation in Europe - Canon Alumni Book, Eds. Europe C. F., Published by Canon Foundation in Europe, Amstelveen, pp. 50-53, 2010.
Oliveira J. M., and Reis R. L., "New Therapies: Nanotechnology and Intracellular drug delivery", ADVANCED COURSE: MATERIALS AND TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE STRATEGIES, held at Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), 2010.

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