A new vascular graft using the decellularized human chorion membrane

last updated: 2022-02-02
ProjectCells4_IDs :: publications list
TitleA new vascular graft using the decellularized human chorion membrane
Publication TypePapers in Scientific Journals
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsFrazão L. P., Fernandes A. M., Oliveira C., Martins A., Silva T. H., Vieira de Castro J., Nogueira-Silva C., and Neves N. M.

The increase of both arterial occlusive diseases and coronary heart diseases leads to a higher demand for small diameter vascular grafts (<6 mm). The gold standard for small-diameter vessel replacement is the use of autologous veins. Nevertheless, up to 30% of these patients need to use vascular grafts. Although synthetic polymers have been successfully used for the replacement of large-diameter vascular grafts (>6 mm), they are associated with thrombosis, intimal hyperplasia, calcification, and chronic inflammation when used as small diameter vascular grafts. Therefore, natural materials have been studied for this application. In this study, a decellularized human chorion membrane (dHCM) vascular graft with a 3–4 mm diameter was created. Herein, the biocompatibility of dHCM with endothelial cells was demonstrated in vitro and ex ovo. Blood biocompatibility of dHCM was also shown by studying plasma protein adsorption, platelet adhesion and activation, and its hemolytic potential. Furthermore, dHCM antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus were also studied. In summary, the dHCM reticular layer side presented all the needed characteristics to be used in the inner side of a vascular graft. Additionally, the mechanical properties of the dHCM tubular construct were studied, being similar to the ones of the saphenous vein, the gold standard for autologous small-diameter vessel replacement.

JournalACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
Date Published2021-06-07
PublisherACS Publications
KeywordsBLOOD COMPATIBILITY, chorion membrane, Decellularization, small caliber, vascular graft
Peer reviewedyes

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