Assessment of the Suitability of Chitosan/PolyButylene Succinate Scaffolds Seeded with Mouse Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells for a Cartilage Tissue Engineering Approach

last updated: 2014-12-10
TitleAssessment of the Suitability of Chitosan/PolyButylene Succinate Scaffolds Seeded with Mouse Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells for a Cartilage Tissue Engineering Approach
Publication TypePapers in Scientific Journals
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsOliveira J. T., Correlo V. M., Sol P. C., Costa-Pinto A. R., Malafaya P. B., Salgado A. J., Bhattacharya M., Charbord P., Neves N. M., and Reis R. L.

In this work, scaffolds derived from a new biomaterial originated from the combination of a natural material and a synthetic material were tested for assessing their suitability for cartilage tissue engi- neering applications. In order to obtain a better outcome result in terms of scaffolds’ overall properties, different blends of natural and synthetic materials were created. Chitosan and polybutylene succinate (C- PBS) 50/50 (wt%) were melt blended using a twin-screw extruder and processed into 5

JournalTissue Engineering - Part A
Date Published2010-04-13
Keywordscartilage, Chitosan, mesenchymal stem cells
Peer reviewedyes

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