Papers in Scientific Journals (1)
Santos T. C., Hoering B., Reise K., Marques A. P., Silva S. S., Oliveira J. M., Mano J. F., Castro A. G., Reis R. L., and van Griensven M.,
"In vivo performance of chitosan/soy-based membranes as wound dressing devices for acute skin wounds",
Tissue Engineering-A, vol. 19, issue 7-8, pp. 860-870, doi:
10.1089/ten.TEA.2011.0651, 2013.
Conference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed (1)
da Silva R. M. P., Caridade S. G., Roman J. S., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L.,
"Transport of small anionic and neutral solutes through chitosan membranes: Dependence on crosslinking and chelation of divalent cations",
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 923-924, 2008.
Conference Paper -ISI Web of Science Indexed (1)
Gomes S., Boulon M. E., Oliveira A. L., Leonor I. B., Mano J. F., and Reis R. L.,
"Mineralization of Chitosan Membrane Using a Double Diffusion System for Bone Related Applications",
Advanced Materials Forum , vol. IV, pp. 77, 2008.