Equipment info
CryoDos -80
Chemistry Lab I
The CRYODOS -80 is a flexible and compact laboratory freeze-dryer specially developed for basic research in biotechnology. The system’s performance and reliability ensure a constant temperature (< -80 °C).
General Specifications
  • Bench mounted table-top unit: It houses the refrigeration system and the vacuum pump. Constructed in a steel stove enameled cabinet with front door for maintenance purposes.
  • Two stage vacuum pump: Supplied with Gas-Ballast to remove water vapour or other condensible that could reach the pump. Exhaust filter included.
  • Air-cooled refrigeration system: Hermetically sealed. Ozone friendly refrigerant.
  • Condenser: Consisting of a co-axial coil inside a drum type manifold. A top transparent acrylic lid provides viewing of the ice forming process.
  • Ready to work: the 8-off 3/4" (18 mm) diameter rubber valves allow the connecting of several accessories to freeze dry simultaneously products in flasks (29/32 mm connection), vials or bulk, as required by the user.
  • Hardness and durability: Coil and drum constructed in AISI-316 stainless steel.
  • Microprocessor controlled system: a digital screen gives direct read-out of current condenser and vacuum temperatures during the various stages of the cycle.
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