Suture-only Anchors in Modified Brostom-Gould Repair of the Lateral Ligament Complex: Clinical and Image Study of the Results and Implications on Lateral Malleolus

last updated: 2020-01-17
TitleSuture-only Anchors in Modified Brostom-Gould Repair of the Lateral Ligament Complex: Clinical and Image Study of the Results and Implications on Lateral Malleolus
Publication TypeComunication - Oral
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsPereira H., Cengiz I. F., Montes J. M., Oliveira J. M., Reis R. L., Espregueira-Mendes J., and van Dijk N.

Suture-only Anchors in Modified Brostom-Gould Repair of the Lateral Ligament Complex: Clinical and Image Study of the Results and Implications on Lateral Malleolus

Conference NameXXXIV National Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology
Date Published2014-10-23
Conference LocationAlbufeira, Portugal
KeywordsClinical management, Ligament
Peer reviewedno

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