Modelling lung cancer metastasis through a human microcirculation on a chip

last updated: 2022-04-22
Project2MATCH :: publications list
TitleModelling lung cancer metastasis through a human microcirculation on a chip
Publication TypeComunication - Oral
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAbreu C. M., Lima A. C., Neves N. M., Reis R. L., Caballero D., and Kundu S. C.

Metastasis is a highly dynamic and multi-factorial process characterized by the escape of cancer cells from the primary tumor to a secondary site through the microvasculature. Lymphatic vessel remodeling in the tumor microenvironment has been shown to facilitate cancer spread through the lymphatic system and promote cancer dissemination. Although several microfluidicmodels have already been reported to study metastasis formation, most platforms focus merely on cell invasion through the blood vessels.[1],[2]

In this presentation, we will provide an overview of current microcirculation-on-a-chip models and highlight our current work in the development of a tumor-on-a-chip model, integrating both blood and lymphatic microvasculature. The model is currently being used to investigate the role of tumor-released mediators, particularly tumor derived extracellular vesicles, in lung cancer metastasis, as well as serving as a drug screening platform for the selection of the most adequate therapy. Overall, the designed platform will constitute a powerful platform to unravel the mechanisms that drive cancer cell intravasation and permit personalized medicine.

[1] Luque-González MA, Reis RL, Kundu SC, Caballero D, Adv. Biosys. 2000045, 2020

[2] Caballero D, Kaushik S, Correlo VM, Oliveira JM, Reis RL, Kundu SC, Biomaterials, 149, 98, 2017

Conference Name3rd FoReCaST workshop
Date Published2021-06-14
Conference LocationBraga (Portugal)
Keywordsdrug screening, exosomes, In Vitro Model, microcirculation, Microfluidics, Organ-on-a-chip
Peer reviewedno

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