Encapsulation strategies for the treatment of CNS disorders

last updated: 2023-04-18
Project2iqbioneuro :: publications list
TitleEncapsulation strategies for the treatment of CNS disorders
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsOliveira E. P., Silva-Correia J., Reis R. L., and Oliveira J. M.
EditorsSefat F., Mozafari M., and Farzi G.
Abstract Text

In this chapter, we discussed only a few of the numerous approaches that were and are currently being tested and optimized for the imaging, diagnosis, and/or treatment of CNS-related disorders. The main advantage of combining both encapsulation and materials/molecules is that they work as individual “ingredients” from which several “recipes” can be performed, to best suit the problem being addressed. The most versatile strategies have appealing characteristics that offer a wide range of applications, for example,
the use of signaling pathways that are present in CNS cells. Others can offer targeted and controlled delivery while avoiding nonspecific toxicity, as is the case of using cell-specific receptors or ligands. The simpler ones, such as CED delivery, just take advantage of the size of the particle to deliver molecules of interest into a specific zone and/or to cover the broadest area. The possibilities are infinite and encouraging enough to say that, in each approach, we are a step closer to achieve the goal of preserving, protecting, treating, and/or repairing the control center of the body, the CNS.

Book TitlePrinciples of Biomaterials Encapsulation: Volume 2
ISBN 978-0-1282-4345-9
KeywordsBiomaterials, CNS, Molecules
Peer reviewedno

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