Effect of two different RAFT reactions on grafting MMA from pre-irradiated PP film

last updated: 2019-06-11
TitleEffect of two different RAFT reactions on grafting MMA from pre-irradiated PP film
Publication TypePapers in Scientific Journals
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsGao Y., Chen Y., Yang L., Rodrigues, L.C., Reis R. L., and Chen J.
EditorsChantler C., LaVerne J., and Ulański P.

The graft polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) from pre-irradiated polypropylene (PP) films mediated by two different addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization mechanisms—surface-initiated RAFT polymerization and interface-mediated RAFT polymerization was studied. In the first mechanism, electron beam irradiation technique was applied to produce the initial radical active sites and peroxides on PP films. 4-cyanopentanoic acid dithiobenzoate (CPADB) was added in the solution to mediate the graft polymerization. In the second mechanism, a new technique utilizing the decomposition and recombination of peroxides produced by electron beam and di(thiobenzoyl) disulfide (DBDS) to anchor CTA on PP films was applied. GPC, ATR-FTIR, XPS, SEM and water contact angle were used to characterize graft layer. Surface-initiated RAFT polymerization was found to be fast and facile with high degree of grafting (Dg) and large number-average molecular weight. But the samples after reaction were swelling and out of shape. Interface-mediated RAFT polymerization led to rather low Dg and low molecular weight. But the samples kept their pristine shapes and had better surface properties.

JournalRadiation Physics and Chemistry
Date Published2019-02-28
KeywordsElectron beam, PP film, Pre-irradiation, RAFT polymerization, Swelling
Peer reviewedyes

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