Development of Magnetic Responsive hASCs Sheets for Tendon Regeneration

last updated: 2016-12-14
ProjectPOLARIS :: publications list
TitleDevelopment of Magnetic Responsive hASCs Sheets for Tendon Regeneration
Publication TypeComunication - Oral
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsGonçalves A. I., Gershovich P., Rodrigues M. T., Reis R. L., and Gomes M. E.

Considering the impact of magnetic forces in cell guidance and behavior, we originally propose the development of magnetic responsive cell sheets (magCSs) based on human adipose derived stem cells (hASCs) with tenogenic potential aiming at tendon strategies. 

Conference NamePOLARIS - Challenges in Nanomedicine and Regenerative Medicine
Date Published2015-06-29
Conference LocationGuimarães
KeywordsHuman adipose derived stem cells, Magnetic force-based TE
Peer reviewedyes

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