Superhydrophobic patterned chips for the combinatorial and rapid study of 3D biomaterials-cells interactions and protein delivery systems

last updated: 2013-04-09
TitleSuperhydrophobic patterned chips for the combinatorial and rapid study of 3D biomaterials-cells interactions and protein delivery systems
Publication TypeConference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsOliveira M. B., Salgado C. L., Song W., and Mano J. F.

The effective design of tissue engineering constructs is often dependent on an ideal balance and interaction between diverse factors, including physicochemical properties of biomaterials, cells used for a specific approach and inclusion of soluble factors. These interactions are not always straightforward to predict, making these studies time and resource spending. High-throughput methods play an important role in the streamline of such studies. The use of arrayed chips is a common way to perform high-throughput studies. However, efforts to improve the mimicry of the biomaterials spots with biological media, with3D structure and compatible with complex milieus are still necessary.

A chip consisting of superhydrophobic surfaces patterned with wettable regions was developed to test cells-hydrogels interactions in three-dimensional environment [1]. For the first time, on-chip study of 3D miniaturized porous scaffolds was also carried out, as the platforms were compatible with freeze-drying technique [2]. On-chip analysis of mechanical and morphological properties of the scaffolds and the interactions between cell types of two distinct origins – fibroblasts and osteoblast-like - were carried out.

Growth factors (GF) play an important role in tissue engineering (TE) approaches, mainly for determining stem cell fate. Their presence as well as their delivery rate from biomaterials may determine the success of a tissue regeneration approach. The chip based on wettability contrast was adapted with arrays of ring-shaped hydrophilic transparent regions [3]. Concentrically to these wettable regions a superhydrophobic circle was maintained, so protein-loaded hydrogels could be processed as protein-loaded spheres with minimum protein loss. The protein release from the hydrogels was studied and validated by image analysis using microscopy methods.

We believe that the proposed innovative uses for the superhydrophobic chip are a promising breakthrough in integrated technologies for the rapid development of TE systems.

JournalJournal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Date Published2012-10-01
Keywords3D porous biomaterials, superhydrophobic surfaces
Peer reviewedno

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