Osteoconductive scaffolds obtained by means of in situ surface functionalization of wet-spun fibre meshes for bone regeneration applications

last updated: 2013-02-25
TitleOsteoconductive scaffolds obtained by means of in situ surface functionalization of wet-spun fibre meshes for bone regeneration applications
Publication TypeConference Abstract -ISI Web of Science Indexed
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsRodrigues M. T., Leonor I. B., Viegas C. A. A., Dias I. R., Gomes M. E., and Reis R. L.

The success of bone tissue engineering (TE) strategies is strongly dependent on the development of new synthetic materials com- bining osteoconductive, osteoinductive and osteogenic properties. Recent studies suggest that biomaterials incorporating silanol groups promote and maintain osteogenesis with or without bio- logical stimuli. This study aims to evaluate the osteoconductivity and osteogenic properties of novel wet-spun fibre mesh scaffolds of SPCL (blend of starch with polycaprolactone) with or without superficial functionalized silanol (Si-OH) groups by seeding/culturing them with goat marrow stromal cells (GBMCs)

JournalTissue Engineering Part A
Date Published2008-11-05
KeywordsGoat marrow stromal cells, Osteoconductive materials, silanol groups, starch-based polymers
Peer reviewedyes

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