Enzymatic degradation behavior of starch-poly- є -caprolactone microparticles and the effect of their leachables products in contact human osteoblastic cell-line

last updated: 2013-01-08
TitleEnzymatic degradation behavior of starch-poly- є -caprolactone microparticles and the effect of their leachables products in contact human osteoblastic cell-line
Publication TypeComunication - Oral
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsBalmayor E. R., Tuzlakoglu K., Marques A. P., Azevedo H. S., and Reis R. L.
Conference Name3rd Marie Curie Cutting-Edge Conference(Biomineralisation of polymeric materials, bioactive biomaterials and biomimetic methodologies). 1st Summer School of TERMIS – EU.
Date Published2010-03-17

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