Caridade SG , daSilva RMP, Reis RL and Mano JF, 2008, Effect of solvent-dependent viscoelastic properties of chitosan membranes on the permeation of low molecular weight drugs

last updated: 2013-01-08
TitleCaridade SG , daSilva RMP, Reis RL and Mano JF, 2008, Effect of solvent-dependent viscoelastic properties of chitosan membranes on the permeation of low molecular weight drugs
Publication TypeComunications - Poster
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsCaridade S. G., da Silva R. M. P., Reis R. L., and Mano J. F.
Conference NameTERMIS-EU 2008 Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society Meeting
Date Published2009-01-22

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