Bioengineered Strategies for Tendon Regeneration

last updated: 2016-09-02
ProjectTendon Therpy Train :: publications list
TitleBioengineered Strategies for Tendon Regeneration
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGonçalves A. I., Rodrigues M. T., Reis R. L., and Gomes M. E.
EditorsLee S. J., Yoo J., and Atala A.
Abstract Text

Their important mechanical function predisposes tendons to injury and rupture, becoming a worldwide
clinical problem. Commonly injured tendons include the rotator cuff, finger flexors, patellar, and
Achilles tendon [1]. As poor cellular and vascular tissues [2], tendons present some healing constraints,
typically requiring surgical intervention. Available reparative surgeries rely on tissue replacement with
auto- or allografts [3], which are often accompanied with donor site morbidity, pain, inferior functionalities,
and eventually graft failure.
Due to the market demand, commercial substitutes for tendon repair have been developed as biological
and synthetic scaffolds.

Book TitleIn Situ Tissue Regeneration: Host Cell Recruitment and Biomaterial Design
PublisherAcademic Press
ISBN 978-0-12-802225-2
KeywordsBiomaterials Mechanical stimulation, Tendon Tendon substitutes, Tendon tissue engineering strategies, Tenogenic differentiation
Peer reviewedyes

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