Papers in Scientific Journals (3)
Gomes S., Leonor I. B., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Kaplan D. L.,
"Natural and genetically engineered proteins for tissue engineering",
Progress in Polymer Science, vol. 37, issue 1, pp. 1–17, doi:
10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2011.07.003 , 2012.
Gomes S., Numata K., Leonor I. B., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Kaplan D. L.,
"AFM Study of Morphology and Mechanical Properties of a Chimeric Spider Silk and Bone Sialoprotein Protein for Bone Regeneration",
Biomacromolecules, vol. 12, issue 5, pp. 1675-1685 , doi:
10.1021/bm2000605 , 2011.
Gomes S., Numata K., Leonor I. B., Mano J. F., Reis R. L., and Kaplan D. L.,
"Spider silk-bone sialoprotein fusion proteins for bone tissue engineering",
Soft Matter, vol. 7, issue 10, pp. 4964-4973, doi:
10.1039/C1SM05024A, 2011.