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Papers in Scientific Journals (1)
Review Paper (2)
Book (1)
Caballero D., Kundu S. C., and Reis R. L., "Microfluidics and Biosensors in Cancer Research - Applications in Cancer Modeling and Theranostics", Microfluidics and Biosensors in Cancer Research - Applications in Cancer Modeling and Theranostics, 1, vol. 1, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-04039-9, 2022.
Book Chapter (4)
Caballero D., Reis R. L., and Kundu S. C., "Current Trends in Microfluidics and Biosensors for Cancer Research Applications", Microfluidics and Biosensors in Cancer Research. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Eds. Caballero D., Kundu S. C., and Reis R. L., Springer, 1, vol. 1, pp. 81–112, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-04039-9_4, 2022.
Caballero D., Abreu C. M., Reis R. L., and Kundu S. C., "Emerging Microfluidic and Biosensor Technologies for Improved Cancer Theranostics", Microfluidics and Biosensors in Cancer Research. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Eds. Caballero D., Kundu S. C., and Reis R. L., Springer, 1, vol. 1379, pp. 461-495, doi:0.1007/978-3-031-04039-9_19, 2022.
Kundu B., Caballero D., Abreu C. M., Reis R. L., and Kundu S. C., "The Tumor Microenvironment: An Introduction to the Development of Microfluidic Devices", Microfluidics and Biosensors in Cancer Research. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Eds. Caballero D., Kundu S. C., and Reis R. L., Springer, 1, vol. 1379, pp. 115–138, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-04039-9_5, 2022.

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