{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab360 {\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial} {\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman} {\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Verdana} {\f3\froman\fcharset2 Symbol} } {\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; } {\info {\author Biblio}{\operator }{\title Biblio RTF Export}} \f1\fs24 \paperw11907\paperh16839 \pgncont\pgndec\pgnstarts1\pgnrestart Oliveira C., Gon\'e7alves C. S., Martins E. P., Neves N. M., Reis R. L., Costa B. M., Silva T. H., and Martins A., "Fucoidan/chitosan nanoparticles functionalized with anti-ErbB-2 target breast cancer cells and impair tumor growth in vivo", \i International Journal of Pharmaceutics\i0 , vol. 600, pp. 120548, doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120548, 2021.\par \par }